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The Origin of Dogs

All Dogs are Man Made......

All dogs originate from Canis lupus (wolves) and over time us lovely humans have changed their appearance quite a bit one would say, it’s called Evolution, this will never stop, and the most important point is that the dog is healthy and happy.

Domestic dogs come in a bewildering variety of shapes and sizes. They have been selectively bred over thousands of years for various behaviours, sensory capabilities and physical attributes. Domestic dogs have been bred throughout most of their history to be one of a kind of working dog including dogs bred for herding livestock, different kinds of hunting (pointers, hounds etc.) catching rats (small terriers), guarding humans (mastiffs, chows), helping fisherman with nets (newfoundlands, poodles), pulling loads (huskies, St.Bernards), guarding carriages and horsemen (Dalmatians), and as companion dogs. Some kinds were even bred simply as lap warmers (pekinese). Their basic physical make-up though, no matter how modified, is that of their wild ancestors, CANIS LUPUS. In other words all domestic dogs, from chihuahuas to German shepherds to st Bernards have the same traits, they are just different sizes and shapes and now COLOUR.

Bulldog silohette.png


Pug Silohette.jpg


Dachshund silohette.jpg




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